MXTech Sp. z o.o.

Modern security systems


MXTech together with the business partner POLIMASTER will once again take part in the International Fair of Technology and Equipment of Police Services and the Security Forms EUROPOLTECH, which on 08-10. May will be held again at the Warsaw EXPO XXI Center.

Aword from Polimaster

Aword from Polimaster

We are pleased to inform you that our partner Polimaster Europe UAB appreciated the efforts of MXTech in the promotion and sale of dosimetric systems and distinguished our company by presenting us with a Certificate of Appreciation for the results achieved in 2018.

MITIREL conference

MITIREL conference

On June 19th this year MXTech together with the representative of Polimaster, participated in an international conference / exhibition organized by the Institute of Industrial Chemistry.

Conference of Polimaster dealers

Conference of Polimaster dealers

On April 24-27, 2018, a representative of MXTech participated in a conference organized for Polimaster dealers.

Shows of Border Protection Technology

Shows of Border Protection Technology

On 11-12.04.2018, representatives of MXTech together with partners from Polimaster and URC Systems took part in the Border Protection Technology Show.

We are partners: Hilltech            

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