MXTech Sp. z o.o.

Modern security systems

MITIREL conference

On June 19th this year MXTech together with the representative of Polimaster, participated in an international conference / exhibition organized by the Institute of Industrial Chemistry. As part of the above-mentioned event, which was aimed at, among others, presenting innovative solutions and technologies used in detection and combating chemical and radiological threats. MXTech, as a distributor of Polimaster products, was pleased to demonstrate several new solutions that will be introduced into the market in the near future, such as the PM8704A personal radiation detector, or the PM530 automated personal dosimeters reader. It should be emphasized that the chemical and radiological detection module PM2101 met with particular interest, which, according to the manufacturer's plans, will enter series production as early as in 2019.

We thank participants for their interest in our products and constructive opinions.

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